jueves, 20 de abril de 2017


Hello everybody! Here you have some final task about music cultures from around the world that have been made by our students from 5th and 6th level of Primary. They have worked hard. Hope you like it!

Hola a todos. Aquí os dejo algunos de los trabajos finales sobre las músicas del mundo, realizadas por los alumnos de quinto y sexto de primaria. Ellos han trabajado duro. Espero que os gusten.

martes, 4 de abril de 2017


These are a few popular songs from some countries of the continents that we have been investigated last weeks. We are practicing them using the recorder and some percussion instruments in order to give a concert in class.

Éstas son algunas canciones populares de diferentes países de los continentes sobre los que hemos investigado las últimas semanas (África, América, Asia, Europa y Oceanía). Las estamos practicando con la flauta dulce y algunos instrumentos de percusión en clase para realizar un concierto en clase. ¡Espero que os gusten! 

Para segundo ciclo:

Para tercer ciclo:


Hello everybody,

Here you have some of the final tasks that have been made by students from 3rd and 4th level about different instruments from around the world.
They have done a really good job! :)